
Expect surprises during Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 2024

It’s that time of year when many of us are starting to book our flights to go home for the holiday season or picking out what Christmas markets to visit across Europe. With Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius starting on November 26 and lasting until December 16 – the sign of travel, culture, and philosophy – you’ll want to pay extra attention.

You may encounter a few unexpected detours, but these could unlock new sides of yourself you didn’t know existed. You might even uncover surprising details about your ancestors, revealing hidden links to your gifts and where they’ve been passed down from. Either way, take a moment to sit down and take notes – you won’t want to miss what’s unfolding.


Unexpected travel detours

Sometimes, the best plans are the ones we never could have anticipated. It’s the unexpected detours and spontaneous moments that often lead to the most profound experiences. So, if there’s one thing you can do for yourself right now, it’s to stay open to how the synchronicities unfold. Don’t overbook your schedule to the point where there’s no space left for the universe to surprise you.

Give yourself permission to step off the beaten path – whether that’s booking a random excursion or allowing yourself time to explore something new that sparks your curiosity. These experiences could expand your cultural worldview in ways you didn’t expect, and when Mercury finally moves direct again, you’ll see that the payoff was definitely worth it. Sometimes the magic is in the moments you weren’t planning for.


Becoming the student of life

If you’re the type who loves to research and has found yourself tumbling down a rabbit hole or two, now’s the perfect time to circle back and decide which one you want to dive deeper into. This is the season for expanding your knowledge and challenging your mind to reach new heights.

Nurture that intellectual curiosity – it could unlock creative potential you didn’t know was there, giving your talents a quantum boost into visibility. So, trust your instincts and let your mind explore freely, you just never know where it might lead you.


Get to know your family tree

Sagittarius in astrology embodies the archetype of the ‘elder,’ and this is the perfect time to climb up your family tree and delve into their stories, as they are an integral part of your personal mythology too. For instance, many people often wonder where their unique talents, like musical ability, come from.

Through some detective work, they might discover that their great aunt was a prolific pianist, and that the gift has been passed down to them in a strange time loop. By exploring your family’s history, you not only uncover hidden aspects of yourself, but also heal old wounds and gain a deeper understanding of who you are. Essentially, your genetics are more powerful than we know, but when we unpack our heritage we can stand more confidently in our own identity, feeling more connected to our roots to find our place in the world.



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  • Source of information and images “russh”

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