
D. Al-Azhari: If the mufti achieved his knowledge, he would be the first to detect dangers and achieve intellectual security

Dr. confirmed. Osama Al-Azhari, Minister of Endowments, said that Imam Al-Shafi’i spent 20 years to know in people’s days what calamities, sciences and events happen between people in order to build on that knowledge the jurisprudence of fatwas, and from here the relationship between jurisprudence and the conditions of the world, and between fatwas and intellectual security, was built.   


He said during the first international symposium of the Egyptian Fatwa House in celebration of International Fatwa Day  under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, entitled "Fatwa and Achieving Intellectual Security" : If the mufti achieves his knowledge to perfection, he will be the first to detect dangers and ideas and investigate them. For intellectual security with the correct fatwa, pointing out that the methodology for the mufti to carry out his scientific role requires knowing the condition of people, their conversations, and their reality, and monitoring the dangers affecting our society, our nation, and our world.



He explained that the Egyptian Fatwa House preceded achieving societal security by establishing a peace center to confront extremist ideas and a center to confront atheism, then It continues its efforts to monitor everything that threatens intellectual security. It is held 



  The first international symposium of the Egyptian Fatwa House, over two days, from 15 to 16 December, with the broad participation of scholars and muftis from various countries of the world, in addition to… An elite group of ministers and senior statesmen, in addition to a number of Al-Azhar scholars. This symposium comes at a very important time, as the Egyptian Fatwa House seeks, through this international event, to shed light on the role of the fatwa in enhancing intellectual security and confronting contemporary intellectual challenges, thus contributing to achieving stability and sustainable development. 


The symposium also aims to enhance cooperation between fatwa and scientific institutions around the world, and formulate visions and proposals to develop the fatwa methodology in line with the challenges. Contemporary. A group of prominent scholars from various countries of the Islamic world will participate in the symposium, in addition to the presence of a group of ministers and senior officials from the Egyptian state, which reflects the importance of the event in enhancing the pivotal role that the fatwa plays in building stable and prosperous societies.

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It is noteworthy that the symposium comes within the framework of the ongoing efforts made by the Egyptian Fatwa House to spread moderate thought and promote the values ​​of moderation and coexistence between different Cultures and religions, which contributes to combating extremist ideology and enhances the role of religious institutions in spreading intellectual security worldwide.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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