
to update "Criminal procedures" And completing the prison development plan…the most important recommendations of the National Center for Human Rights

Today, the National Council for Human Rights issued the seventeenth annual report of the National Council for Human Rights, July 2023 – June 2024. This came during the Council’s holding of the seventeenth forum for civil society organizations in 2024, under the title “The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Human Rights.” This is on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the National Council for Human Rights, in cooperation with the European Union.


The report included 64 topics in 4 chapters, including a chapter on the human rights situation in Egypt and a chapter on The Council dealt with complaints, spread the culture of human rights, related Council activities, and Council activities in the field of promoting various rights.


The report’s recommendations

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 Accelerate the adoption of the outcomes of the national dialogue, and expand the circle of dialogue to include active societal forces at the national and local levels.


Updating the national human rights strategy to enhance The ability to track its results by developing a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators appropriate to the context and nature of the strategy.


Working to integrate national strategies in the areas of human rights, climate change, and population into the context of practices And executive procedures and plans at the national and local levels


Issuing the updated law on criminal procedures and continuing the participatory approach throughout the stages of issuing the law, taking into account relevant technological and institutional developments, and taking into account the recommendations that were made. It was presented through the national dialogue regarding the issue of pretrial detention and precautionary measures, and the adoption of the Law for the Protection of Reporters and Witnesses


Expanding the President of the Republic’s exercise of his authority to pardon punishment, with a focus on those convicted in cases Related to violations by the organization of the practices of freedom of opinion and expression.


Amending the articles related to the definition of the crime of torture in the Penal Code to comply with relevant international standards, and reviewing the definition of terrorism in the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Law Regulating Lists of terrorist entities and terrorists to ensure its compatibility with international standards.


Completing the plan to develop prison facilities, adopting planned training programs for officials in the developed rehabilitation centers, and enhancing coordination between the Council, the Ministry of Interior and the Public Prosecution. To intensify visits to prisons and detention centers and work to develop detention places attached to security directorates and police stations.


Review crimes punishable by death, narrow the scope of application of the penalty, and adopt a voluntary moratorium on the implementation of death penalties until Conduct a comprehensive review.


Accelerate the establishment of the Anti-Discrimination Commission as a constitutional obligation.


Adopting the outcomes and recommendations of the dialogue National Council regarding the speedy issuance of the law regulating local popular councils and the speed of holding and forming their elections, and amending some provisions of the Law on the Exercise of Political Rights to enhance the use of modern technology in the electoral process and the transition to electoral systems that ensure greater representation of the various elected political parties


Reconsidering the laws regulating the work of electronic journalistic platforms, working to open the doors towards adjusting these platforms to their conditions, limiting the use of blocking mechanisms, and accelerating the issuance of the Freedom of Information Law.




Issuing the new labor law, expanding the circle of consultation with stakeholders, developing effective solutions to ensure that irregular workers and workers in the informal sector are covered by insurance coverage, and taking effective measures to prevent child labor.


Adopting a program based on the best international practices in exiting poverty and applying it to beneficiaries of the Solidarity and Dignity cash support programmes.


Raising allocations for health, education and scientific research in the general budget For the state to comply with the percentages stipulated constitutionally.


Continuing to implement the national program for developing the Egyptian countryside “A Decent Life” Addressing the challenges that led to the extension of time for the first phase and benefiting from the lessons learned from it in implementing the second and third phases.


Narrowing the scope of resorting to expropriation procedures for the public benefit, raising the value of compensation and facilitating the mechanism for obtaining them. And implementing effective resettlement plans in accordance with relevant international standards.


Adopting comprehensive legislation to define and combat all forms of violence against women.

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Adopting a comprehensive program to develop care homes for boys and girls and relevant penal institutions and adhering to international standards in this regard.


Working to amend Law No. 197 of 2017 to provide guarantees. Greater support for the National Council for Human Rights with regard to visiting prisons and detention centers through notifications and increasing financial allocations to the Council in the general state budget, and implementing an effective, fast and flexible coordination mechanism in the National Council for Human Rights, the Public Prosecution and the Ministry of Interior to ensure speedy intervention in handling complaints and investigating allegations regarding human rights violations. Human Rights, as well as implementing an effective and sustainable coordination mechanism in the National Council for Human Rights on the one hand, and the main ministries concerned with addressing the largest proportion of complaints and allegations of violations of economic and social rights that come to the Council.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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